
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

They say true beauty is skin deep, but we all know this is a farce for modern man.
The media has generated an ideal human self. Churned out in glossy magazines for years and now published on the front of every web page & blog. "Top 10 Tips" for everything under the sun & "Best of 2017" for any product line. Funded by large entities individuals we looked up to online are forced to sway their opinion to the products that endorse them. Exchanging a part of their soul for furtherment in life is the name of the game, however true authenticity is on the rise. People are wising up to the antics & misinformation of the media. All the social noise has caused us to be more careful of our purchasing decisions & we have become most receptive to those that remain authentique.
To stay true to ones core self, values & identity is truly difficult in the modern world - but hang in there pretty & reap the rewards to come.

Photographer: Liz Strupat
Model: Lulu Reynolds