

The door closes on the permanent light of the corridor and the eye of the camera.

Then the model undresses.

The monitoring stops, Where stumbles the light diodes.

The  megacities, without sleep nor insomnia, mechanically dispenses the tickets, the refreshments and the company.

At any time, when the night does not belong any more, a magnetic card allows the retreat from the continuous white of the day.

One hotel room after the other.

The conditions of the engagement are addressed: the rate, the location, the timing, the duration, the staging ideas, the accessories.

Sexual abstinence is explicit.

Nor fear, no duress, it is only about taking photos of naked women, most often discovered and contacted on internet, where they freely exhibit themselves.

The web grid retains in its threads their algorithmic luminescence.

Under the electric stars, seeking weightlessness and of a suspended moment, they deploy motionless wings. 

Running the risk of believing themselves eternal, they shamelessly

gamble on their apparent lightness. Ephemeral virtuosity without calculation, which inspires and worries.


The misused practice of desire are open to the fantasy of JF Julian and his model.

The agreement is made on an erotic occupation of the room and of the possibility to create images of their taste.

The ”clair-obscur” calls for indulgence and abandonment.


Behind the drawn curtains, left on their own, they create the conditions of an artificial night. Without witnesses nor spectators, They are seeking into mannerist compositions the possibility of indecent an idle beauty.


The poetic isolation transgresses the law of utility and sex given ordinarily as performance.

Eroticism recognises fragility and time loss.


The photos are showing something, but it’s quite another story that took place. Fever and excitement may be gone. Remains the disorders of intimacy that the housekeeping will erase.

A collection of souvenirs with a disguised intensity.


The sizes of the prints are often very small and pinned to the walls.

The juxtaposition of unique specimens, gleaned around the world, over ten years of night exploration.

You have to get closer to see and extract each photo for the comparison. Isolated yourself in order to contemplate the scene and spot the details of a lost moment.

Move away to remember.

Allow the melancholia.

Words by by Christophe Jarreau