Artist Spotlight: Alexis Olin

Q: How did you start photography and where are you from?

AO: Hey, my name is Alexis Olin, and I am from Kiev, Ukraine. First of all I am an artist, I am inspired by Renaissance paintings and modern Manga drawings, as well as European comics. I started my Photography journey about a year ago, and I realized that, photography can be the shortest way to create a picture you like and admire, then the drawing process of a new painting. This gave me an opportunity to pay more attention to my second style that I use and adore – comics.

Q: What drives you as a photographer?

AO: For now, I use only film cameras, because for me, the creative process of making a picture is very important. I always try to get a picture with a character - a charismatic one. For me, the best picture should be a little bit aggressive, you know, like a good butt slap! hahahaha :) I spend a lot of time developing films and scanning. Well, I take everything to the Laboratory, I use different ones, because there will be always different results in the end with the picture, so I sort of experiment with everything to receive in the end what I really want. Unfortunately I am not doing it by myself, but who knows, maybe in the future I will have my own Laboratory!! :)

Q: What makes your photography stand out from the rest or what else do you bring to the table?

AO: Well, I think that, this is the familiarity of the pictures that I make, the character, atmosphere, the story and the weirdness, that I always try to catch with the camera. I really like when viewers (spectators) are asking themselves like: “WTF? What were they doing during the shoot?” I can call myself a female photographer; I am always mesmerized with female beauty and nature. Recently, I started to use a manual camera, it allows me to make a quieter and artistic picture than autofocus and flash.