
A Head Full Of Dreams

A Head Full Of Dreams

As I climb onto the plane, and the propellers thrust us ferociously into the sky, I look outward into the vast clouds and open air. Not even a bird in sight. The serene and tranquil vision of absolute nothingness. It is just openness. It is everything that anyone ever wants. Nothing has tainted these skies, or tampered with their talons. It is unchartered territory. I want to be where no one else is.

But the plane's feet hits the ground with an abrupt reality setting back in. The air fills with disruptive sounds and the thickening taste of anxiety. Obligations and expectations begin to arise again. As I contemplate not leaving this plane, I catch a glance of a man with an aura similar to that of the clouds in the skies. His smile lures me back to the place he calls home. 

As the doors open there is an evident light and fluffy ambiance that dances around the room. Doors allow the winds to pass through, and a hanging chime softly echoes its chords through the passage ways of the house. I feel at ease. I can simply just be, without any obligation or expectation. 

He throws me a hat and tells me to do whatever I want. I look him in the eyes and I tell him I'm about to make my dreams come true...

Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez
Margot by Jay Aparecida Rodriguez