
Perfect problems

Perfect problems

Problems produce perfection. But only problems that you know and see, and chose to change. Problems are inevitable. You cannot deny that which lives regardless of your acknowledgement. You can however chose to place those problems under the rug and live by the sword we know as ignorance. But that sword is short-sighted, and quickly to bend its fist backward and teach you lessons you weren't ready to learn. It's harder to accept problems than to deny them. But acceptance is the start to healing. And healing is needed in us all. This world is poisoned with problems and people which propagate problems into toxic shit spills that are so deeply interwoven that to solve the dilemma at hand would require all the gods of this earthly realm to intervene. But fuck problems and fuck this world. We are too fickle and futile to address any of this. We blame time and money and every other future self that this was not our true intentions. So watch everything burn and crumble, and crawl and weep, as we close our eyes and find the devils we seek. The next world is the only thing left that we can hope that isn't already tainted by the dead. 

Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath
Luna Serena by Katja Stuckrath

Photographer: Katja Stuckrath
Model: Luna Serena