Intuitive Contemplations

Intuition is both a cruel mistress and a god send. It tells us things without having to have any knowledge. It guides us without having to have hindsight. It follows us with a whimsical clutch that steers the feet from falling off of the path. 

A feeling of foresight without context is all one needs. It is derived from  the ebb and flow of energy exchanging itself from one vessel to the next. When that energy is offset from others, then it sways you away from dipping your toes into waters that will surely sink. 

There is nothing quite like a woman's intuition. She see's things that the mere man cannot. She is operating on a meta-level that cannot be explained. She understands an  exchange on a far deeper surface than what can be seen. However, her intuition can turn its tail and bury its claws into the spine of her own back. It can betray her with complexity. It can overload her psyche with too much to process and too little time to decide. 

This is why intuition should be used sparingly. It shouldn't be the end of rationale, but merely a part of it. 

As Zsofia stares across the room, we cannot know her intent, all we can do is wonder where her eyes will fall next. But whoever they fall on, they should consider themselves lucky that they have just rolled top pair. Now all that's left is for her intuition to bring you closer... 

Zsófia Zékely by Zantz Han
Zsófia Zékely by Zantz Han
Zsófia Zékely by Zantz Han
Zsófia Zékely by Zantz Han
Zsófia Zékely by Zantz Han
Zsófia Zékely by Zantz Han

Photographer:  Zantz Han
Model: Zsófia Zékely