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Longing for You

I’m tipsy on the wine I’ve been having and there you are, right in front of me. And all I want to do is touch your face. Run my fingers down your chin. Feel your skin against mine. You got so close to my face when you were talking to me, almost like you were tempting me. Tempting me to stand on my toes and reach for your lips with mine. God how much I wanted to feel your lips against mine. Our bodies feverishly intertwined…But unfortunately I couldn’t. 

I couldn’t reach out to you and touch you, hold you and kiss you because that isn’t my place anymore. I was there to help you finish a project and that was all. I wanted to spend more time with you. Even if I couldn’t hold you, having you in my sight was enough. Your scent and voice filling the air around me was enough for me. But even time, I couldn’t have. What soul sickening game is this that fate and destiny are playing. My heart hurts. Its longs for you. I bury myself in work to try and forget you but every time, something comes up that reminds me of you. I miss you. When the sun rises and when the sun sets. I miss you. I long for you. But I know I cant have you. And that guts out my heart every time I think about you.

Words by Village Belle

Photographer: Petr Jandera
Model: Raissa