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Artist Spotlight: Cinsy Tam

In our second installment of the Artist Spotlight we take a look at British creative Cinsy Tam and her mood provoking & emotional portraits.

"I'm Cinsy Tam, I come from Essex, UK. I started photography during high school and loved it because I'm not academic whatsoever. Photography became such a good creative outlet for me because I’m not artistic in a sense of painting, drawing or designing.

I moved to London two years ago and in those two years its really pushed me to grow the most, it's enabled me to express my own identity and find what I like in my work. The people that I have met whilst being in London are those who inspire me so much, being around such expressive and open-minded people from all over the world are those who help me to think and do differently. 

There is something about working with a team who all vibe with each other and are so involved in their role that really gets me going, maybe it's just because I don't work with a big team often but it’s a hugely gratifying feeling for me to see work that’s created by a team of myself and my friends. I think when you're all working together and really passionate about it then it's not really work, it’s just a bed of roses. I focus a lot on faces in my work, I love a striking face with quite peculiar features; usually the eyes, mouth or ears!"

If you dig what you see below you can check out Cinsy's blog here.